Share FlyerFlo, win a copy of "Finally... Food I
Can Eat" & $50 Whole Foods Market GC!
Ah, the joy of social media
- who knows what it’s
going to bring to your life.
Recently I hooked up with an old school friend who
I went to public and high school with. We were best buds in grade school and it
has been such fun to re
connect with her. I
quickly learned that she has amazing talents in PR and was a social media whiz
and so I hired her on the spot, well not on the spot, but that is a whole other
story. Not only does she write a fantastic blog @momwhoruns, but she has t
ught me so much about
facebook and twitter.
A few weeks ago she
mentioned to me that she had downloaded this amazing new
pp onto her i
It's called FlyerFlo and
to your fingertips
on your mobile devices
Wow, what a concept, a green way of
consumers with
all of
their favourite
stores, literally at a touch of a button. Walk into the store, pull up FlyerFlo
and voila, you know what is on special
She said to me why not see if they want to run a
contest with your cookbook and again, I said
Fast forward to today and I am thrilled to share
this contest with all of you.
As a nutritionist and dietary consultant, I help
people to menu plan within the confines of food allergies and dietary
restrictions. Getting back to healthy, wholesome cooking is where it starts.
Whether you are trying to lose weight, manage diabetes or have food allergies,
it begins with what you are putting in your mouth.
am passionate about sharing recipes with others and helping those who are
struggling with meal preparation. Having had food allergies most of my life as
well as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I know only too well how difficult it can be to
plan healthy, easy recipes within the confines of dietary restrictions. This was
how my cookbook, Finally… Food I Can Eat came about, as friends,
family and co workers kept asking me for my
The key is fresh ingredients, those which Mother
nature intended us to eat.
Whole Foods offers such an amazing selection of
top quality organic produce and allerg
free items. I am
thrilled they are offering a $50 gift card to go along with my cookbook,
Finally... Food I Can Eat for this contest. What could be better
than wi
ning a cookbook that
offers healthy, tasty, allergy free recipes? A gift card from Whole Foods where
you can buy
healthy ingredients
you need
, and the free FlyerFlo app to
figure out when they go on sale!
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